Experienced Alvin Slip and Fall Lawyers Work to Gain Maximum Recovery for Accident Victims
Many people in Alvin do not realize the serious injuries that result every day when someone slips or trips and falls. The harm can be catastrophic, particularly for older individuals or others with risk factors that put them at risk for physical or mental disability. Yet, no matter how severe the injuries, the insurance company will still make it difficult for accident victims to recover compensation to cover the cost of medical care and other effects.
This is why it is helpful to talk to a knowledgeable Alvin slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible after a slip and fall incident. At DeKezyer Law, we know how to help you succeed with a personal injury claim after a fall, and we often help prevent accident victims from making common mistakes that can reduce or even prevent recovery.
Why the Insurance Company Doesn’t Want You to Contact a Lawyer After a Slip and Fall
When you slip and fall on property belonging to someone else, the property or owner or manager could be liable for paying for your medical care and other losses if they acted negligently in keeping the property safe. The insurance company would be the ones responsible for paying for your losses, and they don’t want to do that. So, they will try numerous tactics to keep you from recovering full compensation, and those tactics won’t work if you are represented by a dedicated personal injury lawyer.
They Want You to Say the Wrong Thing
Very often after a slip and fall causes injuries, insurance company representatives will call the victim right away, pretending to care about their condition. During the conversation, they seem friendly and act like they’re on your side, encouraging you to talk. However, what they’re really trying to do is to get you to say something they can take out of context and use against you to deny your claim. For instance, if you say anything about being “fine,” “good,” or “okay,” even if you’re just being polite, they can use that as “evidence” to prove that you aren’t injured as badly as you claim. Or they may try to get you to say something that they will argue proves that you were at fault for the incident.
An experienced Alvin slip and fall lawyer knows how to watch out for these traps and how to provide the information the insurance company is entitled to have without giving them any ammunition to use in the case against you. When you work with a personal injury lawyer, you can refer all calls from the insurance company or their attorneys to your own personal legal advisor. That not only prevents you from unwittingly making a mistake, but it also gives you the peace and quiet you need to focus on regaining your health.
They Want You to Accept an Unfairly Low Settlement
Another reason the insurance company doesn’t want you to talk to a personal injury lawyer is that they don’t want you to know how much your claim is really worth. The value goes far beyond your bills for medical care. You need to anticipate all the additional medical needs (physical and emotional) that you will have in the future, as well as any earnings that may be reduced or lost in the future due to limitations on your ability to work. In addition, you may be entitled to compensation for pain, suffering, and a host of other factors that can add up to quite a bit. In fact, those intangible factors are often valued much more highly than economic losses, such as expenses for medical care.
The insurance company doesn’t want you to realize this. They want you to accept a small amount, and by doing so, they legally prevent you from seeking additional damages if your medical needs increase in the future.
They Want You to Wait Until It Is Too Late to Collect the Best Evidence
In a slip and fall case, like any type of personal injury claim, you need to prove that someone was negligent and that the negligent behavior caused your injuries. To make this legal connection, you need evidence about what caused the fall and how badly you were injured.
There might be video footage showing exactly what happened in the time before and during the fall that would serve as the ideal evidence. An Alvin slip and fall lawyer will know how to locate and preserve this footage, maybe by seeking a subpoena if necessary. But if you don’t act quickly, that video could be erased or recorded over as part of standard procedure. When you work with a personal injury lawyer, your attorney can help you collect evidence like this right away while it is fresh. As time goes on, you lose that opportunity.
Where Slip and Fall Accidents Occur
A personal injury lawyer handles slip and fall accident cases that happen in a multitude of different settings. The property owner’s insurance company may be required to pay damages for accidents occurring in places such as:
- Hotels
- Supermarkets
- Restaurants
- Offices
- Swimming pools
- Apartment buildings and condos
Anytime the property owner or manager encourages people to enter their property for potential economic gain, such as by putting an “open” sign in the window of a store to invite shoppers inside, the owner has a duty to protect people from conditions that could cause harm. If they don’t take adequate steps to protect guests or warn them about the dangers, they can be held liable for the harm that results.
Injuries from Slip & Fall Accidents
Falls can cause many different types of injuries. Unfortunately, they can lead to traumatic brain injuries that can impair brain function. They frequently cause broken bones that may require surgery and might never fully heal.
A slip and fall incident can cause damage to the neck or back that prevents victims from standing or sitting without extreme pain. Some falls cause damage to the spinal cord that leads to full or partial paralysis. An experienced Alvin slip and fall lawyer knows that right after a fall, a rush of adrenaline can mask some injury symptoms, so the victim may not realize how badly they are hurt until later. It is important to get a thorough medical exam after a fall or as soon as you notice injury symptoms.
DeKeyzer Law Helps Victims of Slip & Fall Accidents Recover Full Compensation
Holland and Meagan DeKeyzer understand the difficulties you face after you’ve been hurt in a fall, and they’re ready to help. When you contact DeKeyzer Law, you will speak directly with an Alvin slip and fall lawyer rather than a legal assistant, so you won’t have to explain your story over and over but can start getting solid advice and assistance right from the start. Holland and Meagan offer free case evaluations and when you work with them, you only pay when you win.
Don’t let the insurance company trick you into settling for less than you deserve for your slip and fall injuries. Call us at 713-904-4004 or contact us online to get started toward recovery now.