Personal Injury Attorneys in Alvin Fight Effectively for Full Recovery

When you’ve been hurt in an accident, it is not just your body but your entire life that is damaged. At DeKeyzer Law, we fight for maximum compensation for the full range of your losses so that you can rebuild your life and move forward.

When you need an Alvin personal injury attorney, you want someone who will work with you personally and not a firm that processes injury cases like a factory. Holland and Meagan DeKeyzer have over 22 years of combined experience fighting for the best outcome for accident victims, but they keep their practice personal so that they can focus closely on the needs of each client. When you need answers, you can talk directly to your attorney and not an assistant or intern. At this difficult time in your life, you deserve to have advice and guidance from an experienced legal advocate who is dedicated to securing your future. And that’s what you get at DeKeyzer Law.

We Can Help in a Wide Range of Situations

As you might guess from the multitude of billboards and ads around town, personal injury lawyers often help those who have been injured in auto accidents. However, a skilled Alvin personal injury attorney will be prepared to help you recover compensation after injuries from many different types of situations, including circumstances where someone deliberately attacked you.
Holland and Meagan DeKeyzer help people injured in:

Essentially, any time you’ve been hurt in a situation where the injury could have been prevented if someone had only behaved the way they were supposed to, then a personal injury attorney may be able to help you obtain compensation to cover the cost of your medical needs, lost wages, pain, suffering, and other losses.

If you’re unsure whether we can help, just call us for a free consultation, and we can review the details and explain your options.

Don’t Wait to Call an Alvin Personal Injury Attorney

Many times, people aren’t sure when to reach out for legal assistance. They often believe they should wait until they have all the facts or know the full extent of their injuries before they contact a personal injury attorney. But it is actually best to call as soon as possible for a number of reasons.

An Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Deal with Insurance Companies

In most personal injury cases, insurance companies are the ones that deal with the claim. These companies operate to make a profit, and they keep their profit margins high by paying as little on claims as possible. They have hoards of corporate attorneys and trained investigators who know exactly what to do to trick accident victims into saying or doing something that will reduce the value of their claim or prevent them from recovering anything at all, even when their injuries are extremely serious.

You won’t realize this when you talk to a representative on the phone because they will try to sound like they want to help. By engaging you in conversation, they hope to get you to say something that can be taken out of context and used to deny your claim. For instance, if they say, “How are you?” and you answer with the polite and common response, “I’m fine,” they will try to use that as evidence to prove that you weren’t hurt in the accident or that your injuries have all healed.

In some cases, they may offer an amount to settle your claim and threaten that if you don’t accept right away, you won’t get anything. The amount they offer is usually much, much less than you should be receiving, and they know it. But once you accept, they are off the hook, and you can’t come back and ask for additional compensation if your injuries have long-lasting effects that you didn’t expect.

When you work with Holland and Meagan DeKeyzer, they can handle all the conversations with the insurance company on your behalf. This prevents insurers from harassing or tricking you. If the insurance company offers a settlement, your Alvin personal injury attorney can review the details with you and explain how it compares with what you should be receiving so you can make an informed decision about whether or not to accept the offer.

So the first reason to contact an attorney early on is to prevent problems with insurance companies who are likely to begin calling you right after the accident.

A Skilled Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Collect Evidence While it is Fresh

No matter how severe the injuries or how obvious it is that someone else is at fault, you still need evidence to establish liability before you can win a personal injury case. The best evidence is only available right after the accident, so it is extremely helpful to have a knowledgeable personal injury attorney in Alvin helping to gather and preserve evidence as soon as possible.

As time passes, the accident scene will change, and the factors that led to the accident may not be as obvious. Signs that show what happened during the incident will be cleaned up. Video footage depicting the accident or the time leading up to the accident could be erased or recorded over. The memories of witnesses will not be as clear, and it may be much harder to locate witnesses.

So, the second reason to work with an attorney right after your injury is to get their assistance in collecting evidence to make the best possible case against the responsible party.

A Dedicated Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Find the Resources You Need

It is vitally important to get the medical care you need to reach your maximum level of recovery, but it can be hard to know where to turn for assistance. An Alvin personal injury attorney who is dedicated to helping accident victims can help you find the right caregivers and other resources you need during this challenging time in your life.

It Doesn’t Cost You Any More to Work with an Attorney Right from the Beginning

In some legal situations, attorneys charge an hourly fee for their assistance, and when that happens, you might want to limit the amount of time you spend in legal consultation to keep your costs down. However, when Holland and Meagan DeKeyzer are working with you to recover compensation after a personal injury, our legal fee is based on the amount of compensation we recover for you rather than the time we spend with you. You won’t pay any more if we start helping you from day one, so you might as well take advantage of the opportunity to put the benefit of our experience to work for you right from the start.

Accident Injuries

Accidents often result in injuries that are much more serious than they seem initially. Some injuries, such as damage to internal organs or traumatic brain injuries, often do not show symptoms until considerable time has passed. It is critical to get a thorough medical exam after an accident so that doctors can check for hidden injuries. It is equally important to follow the doctor’s instructions about follow-up care and to return if symptoms worsen or new symptoms develop.

Following these guidelines not only protects your health but also preserves your right to recover compensation. If you don’t get a prompt medical exam, the insurance company could argue that you must not have been in pain. Or, if you don’t follow the doctor’s orders, the insurance company will insist that your worsening condition is due to your lack of care rather than the accident itself.

Holland and Meagan DeKeyzer have helped accident victims suffering from a wide array of injuries, including:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Brain injuries
  • Soft tissue damage, such as whiplash
  • Neck injuries
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Loss of limbs
  • Burns
  • Chest injuries

Often, these injuries never fully heal, leaving victims suffering with permanent pain and disabilities. When accident injuries lead to an untimely death, an attorney can help loved ones recover compensation through a wrongful death claim.

Compensation Available After a Personal Injury

An experienced Alvin personal injury attorney can help you recover compensation for many different types of losses after an accident once they are able to prove that someone’s negligence or deliberate wrongdoing caused your injuries. Holland and Meagan DeKeyzer work to recover compensation for economic losses, both in the past and those anticipated in the future. This includes amounts to make up for losses that have a direct financial equivalent, such as wages lost due to time missed from work, medical expenses, and reduced income potential in the future.

We also work to obtain maximum compensation for non-economic losses. These are the factors that have a tremendous effect on your life but don’t have a direct monetary equivalent—factors such as pain, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment and opportunities in life. Often, the amounts provided for these intangible factors are much higher than those provided for economic losses.
Finally, in cases where the responsible party acted deliberately to hurt you or showed extreme disregard for your safety, we can also seek punitive damages. These are designed to punish wrongdoing and send a message that society will not tolerate this type of conduct, so the amounts provided are in addition to the amounts you receive as compensatory damages.

Call for a Free Consultation and Case Evaluation

Although Texas law allows you two years from the date of your injuries to file a personal injury claim, for reasons explained above, it is best to start working with an Alvin personal injury attorney as soon as possible after an accident.

Talk to Holland and Meagan DeKeyzer today for a free consultation and case evaluation to learn how we can help you recover the compensation you deserve after your accident. To get started, just call 713-904-4004 or contact us through our website.