DeKeyzer Law’s Top Personal Injury Case Results Confidential multimillion dollar settlement for parents of a 19-year-old killed while at work in a railroad crossing accident in the Houston Ship Channel area. This case was...
This article discusses the personal injury lawyer’s preparation approach to deposing professional drivers in commercial vehicle crashes. The Professional Driver’s Deposition A professional driver is someone...
What Are Legal Damages in Personal Injury Cases? When you or a family member has suffered severe physical injuries because of the negligence of a business or an individual, you and your family may be...
Presenting Clients for Depositions in Personal Injury Litigation An oral deposition is a process in which a witness gives sworn testimony while a certified court reporter transcribes the attorney...
Can I file a Civil Sexual Assault Case? First, what is sexual assault? Sexual assault under Texas law occurs when a person intentionally or knowingly touches another person in a sexual manner without consent. This includes...
An Alvin Slip and Fall Lawyer at DeKeyzer Law can help you navigate your Premise liability case. Premise liability is a legal action against a property owner when an individual claims to have been injured by a...
What is a trial by jury? One way to describe trial by jury is a legal proceeding where a group of citizens decide facts and remedies related to a dispute based on witness testimony and evidence. Jury...
Top Five Reasons to Hire a Lawyer Experience Leads to Results: Texas injury lawyer Holland DeKeyzer has been lead counsel on hundreds of personal injury and wrongful death cases resulting in successful jury verdicts,...
I have received countless calls from Texans injured in motor vehicle crashes that tell me a story about how the police officer said the at-fault driver had valid auto insurance, yet the insurance company is now...
Traumatic Brain Injuries in Motor Vehicle Crashes Auto accidents cause many different types of bodily injuries. Most people are familiar with neck injuries, back injuries, and other musculoskeletal...